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Rules of the amazing presentations

Rules of the amazing presentations
Great presentation design can be difficult to master because it requires the coordination of many elements, including colors, fonts, images, icons, and backgrounds. It is also necessary to control the number of these elements so as not to overload the presentation. So, in this article, we will look at the six basic laws of presentation design. They concern the following elements: background pictures, text positioning, font size, font type, placement of pictures and shadows.

1. The background image should be in the same color scheme and not colorful. For example, if you have part of the background image dark purple and part white, the text will have to be made in two different colors to make it readable. Because the black color of the font on a white background and on dark purple is perceived differently. Also, the background image should not be colorful. For example, placing a bright photo with multi-colored objects on it as a background is a big mistake. After all, then the text will have to be placed in a separate box. Although in some cases this option is required. In which? When you need to focus on the picture and text - a maximum of three words. Then it works. If you still really like some colorful picture and want to place it as a background, you can lighten it, darken it, or overlay a translucent gradient on top using PowerPoint.

2. If you place a lot of text on a slide (which is already not quite right), you should align it to the width of the slide. If there is not a lot of text, it can be located around a picture or other object. You can place text on top of the picture if the picture is darkened or brightened. See item 1.

3. Remember, no matter how you try to place a brief retelling of "War and Peace" on one slide, the font size must be at least 18! If you want to make a presentation "according to all the canons" - the font size should be 20-32. It is considered correct when there are a maximum of 10-20 words on one slide.

4. Font type. Try to choose a clear font as the main one, where the letters have serifs and clear outlines. Common fonts: Arial, Calibri, Times new Roman, Verdana and Tahoma. If you need to highlight some keyword or title, you can use more "creative" font options: Freestyle Script, Gigi, Monotype Corsiva and others. If none of the fonts offered by Windows, OS and other systems suits you, you can download the font you need from the Internet and install it on your computer. But remember, if in the future you have to show this presentation on another computer where there are no such fonts, they will automatically be replaced by other existing ones by default. And as a result, many words can change in size, overlap with other objects, and so on.

5. You also need to place pictures on the slide wisely. If you are inserting an image into a slide, it must be aligned both vertically and vertically. If, for example, there is nothing else on the slide except for the title and the picture, then the picture should be placed in the center of the slide. If there is some description for the picture, it can spread at the left or right edge of the slide. Remember, be creative! And most importantly, the pictures must be of high quality. If you stretch a 100x200 pixel image over the entire slide, you will spoil the whole look of the presentation. Pictures should be large enough so that when the presentation is displayed on a large screen, it is clear. Also, you should not stretch the pictures in height or horizontally very much - by doing this you distort the picture itself and it will look miserable.

6. Colors in presentation. On one slide, it is recommended to use no more than three colors: one for the background, one for the title, one for the text (not counting pictures and photos). Then the presentation will look complete.

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