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PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

PowerPoint Shortcut Keys
PowerPoint provides a number of shortcut keys that you can use to create presentations quickly and efficiently. Below is a list of some of the more commonly used shortcut keys in PowerPoint.

To do thisPress
Create new presentation.Ctrl+N
Add a new slide.Ctrl+M
Make selected text bold.Ctrl+B
Change the font size for selected text.Alt+H, F, S
Open the Zoom dialog box.Alt+W, Q
Cut selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+X
Copy selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+C
Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide.Ctrl+V
Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
Save the presentation.Ctrl+S
Insert a picture from your device.Alt+N, P, D
Insert a shape.Alt+N, S, H
Select a theme.Alt+G, H
Select a slide layout.Alt+H, L
Go to the next slide.Page down
Go to the previous slide.Page up
Go to the Home tab.Alt+H
Go to the Insert tab.Alt+N
Start the slide show.F5
End the slide show.Esc
Close PowerPoint.Ctrl+Q

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